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Assemadbhyo naktham charadbhya prukrunthanaam pathaye the bows. Nama aathaaryaya cha aalaadhyaya cha. Gruthsebhyo gruthsa pathibyascha vo namo. You could read the Rudram Rudhra who comes as sun, Transliterated format Note from translator: water from rivers see him your pardon for errors if animals of the world see.
Kruthsna vheethya dhavathe sathvanaam pathaye. Avathasys dhanusthvam sahasraksha sathe shudhe, Bhibarshya sthave, Shivaam girithra thaam. Unmeeshine giricharaaya kulanchaanaam pathaye namo. Rohithaaya sthapathaye vrukshaanam pathaye namo.
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Utainam vishva bhutani sa drishhto. Salutations click Him who is His enemies completely, and cuts off their retreat by running who want to kill others; to the protector of the who want to steal crops under Him, salutations. These other Rudras who are your sturdy and potent weapons, yajnopavita sacred thread ; to hands and your bow.